Story structure
These plans are designed to help you structure your novel or short story. You'll find many popular planning tools to help you create a satisfying narrative structure. Whether you prefer the rules of traditional Three Act Structure or a more laid back plan like the Tentpole Method we have a plan to suit you.
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‘Take off your pants!’ Outline
This method of outlining a story starts with character and leads to a full story outline.

Simple story structure
An easy way to plot your story. This uses traditional story structure theory but is written in an easy to understand way.

Index Card Plan
A flexible plan that allows you to rearrange story elements or plot points, this plan is ideal if you like using index cards to plan your story structure.

Story elements
A quick and easy plan to define the key elements of any story. This one is good for short stories or to quickly outline a new idea.

The ‘start with the ending’ story plan
Work backwards from your story ending to structure the rest of your novel.

The Hero’s Journey (for novels)
The famous mythic story structure model originated by Joseph Campbell and expanded by Christopher Vogler.

Simple story elements
The simplest way to describe your story. Just beginning, middle, end.

The Magnificent 7 Plot Points
A plan to define story structure using seven key plot points. This plan will help you create a well structured film plot.

Pixar 'Once Upon a Time' Story Spine
This plan is based on a simple Pixar storytelling method; it starts with ‘Once upon a time…’

Into the Woods - 5 Act Structure
A plan using five act structure based on John Yorke’s popular ‘Into The Woods’ book.

Michael Hauge’s Six Stage Plot Structure
This plan is based on Michael Hauge’s simple but effective story structure.

Structuring your novel – K.M.Weiland Story Structure
This plan is based on K.M.Weiland’s ‘Structuring Your Novel’ book, use this method to expertly structure your novel.

Super Structure - The key to unleashing the power of story
A plan based on James Scott Bell’s well regarded ‘Super Structure’ book.

The Plot Whisperer method
This plan uses Martha Alderson’s ‘Plot Whisperer’ method to help you plan your novel’s plot elements and more.

Syd Field story structure (for novels)
Syd Field's famous interpretation of 3 Act Structure can help you craft your novel's plot.

The Lester Dent Pulp Fiction Plot Formula
A pulp fiction plot formula based on the work of Lester Dent