Screenplay structure
These plans for screenwriters help to structure Film and TV scripts. Screenwriters have traditionally been the planners of the writing world, and most Hollywood films display their act breaks and beats in the places that classic story structure requires. These plans will help you do the same with your story.
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The Hero’s Journey
The famous mythic story structure model originated by Joseph Campbell and expanded by Christopher Vogler.

Index Card Plan (for screenplays)
A flexible plan for screenwriting, this plan is ideal if you like using index cards to plan your screenplay.

The Magnificent 7 Plot Points for Screenplays
A plan to define screenplay structure using seven key plot points. This plan will help you create a well structured film plot.

The Moral Premise for Screenplays
Stanley D. Williams’ method for planning a movie using a moral theme.

Michael Hauge’s Six Stage Plot Structure for Screenplays
This plan is based on Michael Hauge’s simple but effective story structure.

Pixar 'Once Upon a Time' Story Spine (for screenplays)
This plan is based on a simple Pixar storytelling method; it starts with ‘Once upon a time…’